We met our new doctor and we are really happy with her! Despite the changes at the practice, she assured me that if I go into labor during the week, there's a 99.9% chance she will be present for the delivery. I am praying that this is the case, as I feel absolutely comfortable with her already!
Belly and baby are both measuring perfect and things are coming along great. Yes, I have been truly blessed to have had such an amazing pregnancy thus far. I have had many many friends that have had some pretty rough experiences, so I feel very lucky!
Eeeekk! We go tomorrow for our 4D pics of the lil' mister! We can't wait, I hope he cooperates and smiles pretty for the camera. Hmmm....he seemed to really get a "kick" from my orange soda today, if only I could have some more of that. =)
Before I leave you, I decided to be brave and post a bare belly photo...I must warn you, this is the first, and will probably be the last. I feel silly posting this, but I've had many requests (not really sure why--lol)
26 weeks
Yea! I love it!! Such a cute belly :)
Awww.... Nice Belly with "no Stretch Marks"!!! Yay, for you!!!
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