We both decided we wanted our moms to be included in the gender peek ultrasound. After all, finally their firstborns are about to welcome their firstborn into the world, what a special moment to be a part of!
We arrived in the ultrasound room, and I jumped on the table for the normal routine. The tech specifically asked "save your questions for the end". So, I patiently watched my baby on the screen moving and jiggling around as the tech was recording all of the measurements. Keep in mind I had 32 oz of water plus orange juice in my bladder so this wasn't the most comfortable moment, but of course it was so worth it. The tech confirmed that our baby had 4 heart chambers, that there was fluid in bladder, and all body parts were growing right on point! A few moments into the test, she had me go empty my bladder--I hurried back in the room so she could finish the test. I got back on the table, and a few moments later she asked..."You want to know the sex right?" For the 3rd time we all said in uniform "YES." She said, "Okay, well see that--(I knew exactly what she was going to say next)--that's a p*n*s." The way she said it was PRICELESS! I immediately started shedding tears of joy! I knew from the very beginning we were having ourselves a boy and the confirmation made everything so real. That was my lil' guy in there, the one causing me heartburn, back pain, and fatigue--I loved him sooo much!
After the tech confirmed the sex she tried to get some photos for mommy and daddy. However, our little guy kept laying face down and wasn't much in the mood for pictures (he better get used to it). After a few seconds, he flipped--gave us a quick open mouth smile and turned right back over. It is quite funny how active he is.
David and I have already chosen his name which will be Braylon David Kingcannon. We found the name a few years ago from Braylon Edwards, star wide-receiver in the NFL. Ever since we heard his name, I knew we would have a son named Braylon. Unfortunately, because it's such a unique name--it hasn't reached into any of the "name meaning" books. That's okay, that will give us a chance for his Daddy and I to come up with a meaning of our own. ;)
I have been feeling wonderful the past 4 weeks. Aside from some lower back pain that I am getting chiropractor care and massage therapy for, I am doing awesome! I started feeling Braylon move a few weeks ago. It's very faint, but he's my internal alarm clock to remind me when it's time to eat again. Still no crazy food cravings, I pretty much like everything!
We are sooo blessed to ring in 2010 with the amazing experience of this pregnancy and soon a baby BOY. We are so grateful for everything the Lord has done for us and can't wait to start a new decade off with the wonderful opportunity to become parents.
Here are a few pics from our ultrasound as well as my 18 week belly pic!

Yay!! A boy! Congratulations!! You look great!
the Biagini's
Yea! Congrats! We can't wait to meet Braylon! Thats the first thing Brandon said...like Braylon Edwards?? lol! He looks great and so do you!!!
Bon! I'm so excited for you guys, your going to be a great little mommy and your looking adorable! Thanks for keeping us up to date with his sweet little blog.
love ya~ Brooke Bidegain
So excited for you guys! Can't wait to see the little guy!
Yeaaaa! Congrats, I'm so excited for you! I haven't meet a more deserving couple then you and Davey, awww! Great song and oh so VERY fitting!
I'd say 'God Bless' but he already has.
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