While enjoying the park on a nice fall day, Braylon and I decided to head down the "big kids" slide. He was on my lab, with both legs correctly positioned on my thighs. He laughed as we rushed down the 15 foot slide. At the very end, he popped his right foot out, catching the side of the slide, while we were still slightly in motion. It twisted his foot and he let out an excruciating cry. I quickly got off the slide and tried to calm him down, but nothing was working. I was mortified that not one park visitor that day tried to offer help, despite the horrific cry from Braylon. After gathering my things I quickly hurried inside to the rec center which is where we were at and waited for my mom to pick us up. Fortunately, I would not be alone for the next few hours, as David had dropped us off later that morning for our weekly "goof and giggle-mommy and me" class. Anyway, mom arrived and felt we should definitely take him to the ER since he would not put any weight on the foot. We visited Mindy's Place who were all great. Seeing my baby having to go through the ordeal of emergency services was awful. I know this accident was not in any way life threatening, but it's still such an awful feeling when you can't take the pain away from your hurting child.
Xrays confirmed that Bray had a Spiral Fracture (or crack) of the Tibia. He was placed in a soft-cast splint and was told to follow up with an orthopedic doctor in a few days.
That brings us to today when we visited Phoenix Children's Hospital. I had mixed emotions about visiting this hospital, as this was Alana's place of employment, and it brings back so many memories when Greg (Alana's son) was in the hospital. However, I was so happy to when we arrived because the doctor that saw Braylon was a fellow colleague of Alana's and was even a member of the band that performed at her benefit concert earlier this year. God thing? I think so!
As soon as Dr White looked at the xray, he confirmed that he did not want to cast Braylon's leg. Especially, because his heel was already forming a big blister from the soft cast and didn't want to make things worse. We will return in 3 weeks to get the another xray to make sure the bones are healing correctly.
It was so great to see Dr White and made me realize that Alana's is still watching us from above.
The story doesn't quite end there. Late last night, Bray started getting a fever. We didn't want to take any chances, since he's also been recently congested so we headed to Urgent Care to get him looked at. Boy insurance is going to love us this week (wink)
Anyhoo, after lots of pokes and pricks and more xrays, we were told Braylon has a double ear infection and bronchitis. Poor guy is laid up with a fractured leg, and now this! O well, at least mommy's work is done for a few days, I can use the cuddle time myself!
I am humbled at all the parents that have sick babies and kiddos. I don't know how they do it, and truly pray we don't ever have to experience any of that. These last few days have been a challenge for sure and we are so blessed, despite this injury, to have such a healthy baby boy!

Getting his cast on

Being a good boy for the doctor

Eympathy lunch at nana's

Still happy boy

Tough sport
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