Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Well, it's official! Bray finally got sick of "living in the past" by always manoeuvring himself backwards and finally took a few steps forward, with his hands on the ground that is! While we were sitting around watching tv, Bray finally put one hand in front of the other and moved about 2 feet. It was precious and I will never forget that moment. I tried to keep him movin, but it was getting late and of course he was ready for a bottle and bed. The next day, I was out in the field all day working. I couldn't WAIT to get home to see what my little man had accomplished while I was away. Daddy and Bray had a fun time practicing and after a few minutes, Braylon was OFF and ON the MOVE! The second I arrived home, I scurried into the living room and there he was crawling from toy to toy. I grabbed him quickly to smother him with kisses and praise. He couldn't wait to get out of my arms so he could continue showing me his "tricks". He's such a doll and so much fun to watch crawl around. He loves chasing after me now, and gets so happy when he realizes that he can follow me from room to room. We still have to keep a close eye out, as we want him staying in the "carpet-only zone". That big belly sometimes gets in the way and he tips to the side, causing him to fall back. He's already had one boo boo, falling backwards on the tile. Poor Baby!

I always said "I can't wait till he's mobile", and although these past few weeks have been a blast watching him actually interact with stuff, I will say it's HARD WORK! We call him Curious George, as he is always into something. I remember when my nieces started crawling and would get into the craziness predicaments. Its so fun watching your own munchkin do the same things. I LOVED the newborn stage, the smell, the sounds, the quiet days...but I must say, I wouldn't trade this phase for anything--so much fun! I simply adore these milestone moments and can't wait for the next memory.

Enjoy the video from the first day he started to crawl!

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