Braylon had a great 2 week check-up and his first round of shots at 4 weeks went smooth also. He is under the pediatric care of Melissa Smith or “Missy”. Missy and I went to Jr High and High school together and were basketball teammates. She is a great Physician Assistant and doesn’t “make fun” when I have the silly “first time mom” questions. We are really blessed that Bray will be under Missy’s care. His height is in the 75 percentile and he is growing like a weed every day. By the first week he gained 12 ounces! This was nearly double what the average baby gains which is 1 oz. per day. The best explanation for his rapid weight gain goes to the fact that the kid loves to EAT. He wakes us up every 3 hours to eat and if I wouldn’t know any better, I would swear the child has a built-in alarm clock in his belly. Litterly, rather it is morning-noon-or night; he is ready to eat by hour 3. Nursing was a challenge for me, so he is enjoying his Enfamil like a kid in a candy store. Whenever he sees his bottle within reach he gets very excited and “chomps” like a vulture the second we stick it in his mouth. We go back to the pediatrician for his “2 month check-up”. Daddy and I have bets on how much the porker is going to weigh. My estimation—12 lbs.
Some of Braylon’s favorite hobbies include standing up and bouncing on daddy’s legs, watching mommy work on the computer, and letting his puppy dog Shayla give him kisses. Bray has been spoiled by all and is so blessed to have an amazing family that loves him so much.

Braylon was excited to meet his cousins from San Jose, The Cupples Family. Tommy, Denie, Madison, and Taylor all came out for a weekend to visit. Braylon didn’t know what to do with all the attention and enjoyed getting spoiled by all. Braylon hopes to see his 2nd and 3rd cousins again very soon, who knows…maybe we’ll just make a trip up to Northern Cali for a visit!

Braylon’s first “vacation” was spent with daddy, mommy, and nana at a fancy resort in Scottsdale over July 4th weekend. It was soooo nice to get away and “relax” for a couple of nights. Braylon took his first swim and we were amazed at how much he enjoyed the water. While my mom and I were poolside, Braylon was keeping cool and relaxing in the cabana. He was also able to watch his first fireworks show and enjoyed every minute of it. If you’re ever looking for a nice relaxing and romantic getaway, check out The Sanctuary at Camelback. It was by far the best customer service I have ever received at a resort. We were litterly treated like royalty…I could have really got used to it.
33 days into Braylon’s life, his great-grand Ginny was taken home to be with the Lord. For those that don’t know, Grand Ginny was diagnosed with lung cancer in March. She stayed strong throughout the duration of my pregnancy and long enough to meet her one and only great-grandson. One moment I will never get out of my head was Bray sitting at gram’s bedside hours before she passed. Although gram was unresponsive, we put her arm around Braylon and felt that she knew he was there. Grand Ginny, you had a place in all of our hearts and you made a mark on everyone you met. You will be dearly missed, we love you. The picture below was taken just 1 week before Gram passed.

Last weekend Braylon was lucky to meet his “auntie” Brookie for the first time. Brooke flew to Phoenix all the way from Charlotte, NC to spend time with Braylon. She adores Braylon and was so happy to spend some time with him and even got to witness Bray laughing for the first time. Brooke and I had a great time while she was here. We enjoyed some great meals, lots of laughs, and even a little “rebel” time. We especially had fun meeting up with the Shipley’s for dinner who are also adding a baby boy to their family this December--we can't wait! It's so fun getting together with great friends. Brooke and her hubby Chad hope to make it out to AZ sometime before the year end. We also can't wait for Braylon to visit the Janecke's in HAWAII--that's next on our list!!!
Being “rebels”
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