Saturday we went out and I made sure to enjoy lots of balsamic vinegar for lunch and a delicious spicy tai dish for dinner. (These things have been known to start labor) That afternoon we walked around the mall and went home that evening and walked the neighborhood. I started having mild contractions that afternoon, but nothing to draw concern.
Sunday morning early I woke up and the contractions were still pretty mild but were about every 7 minutes. I told David that we should go ahead and head to the hospital, just to be on the "safe side". We arrived around 6:30am and I was still only about 2.5cm dilated. The nurse told us to "walk" for an hour and she would check me again for change. Well, 8:00am came along and still "no change". So we packed up and headed back home. I woke up from a nap around noon, had me some lunch, and a little "R&R". Around 2:30pm, David came downstairs from his nap and asked me how I was feeling...I told him I was okay, contractions were getting a little bit harder, but nothing too bad. Right about that time, I felt wet on the lower half of my dress...I was laying on the couch, so I asked David "Is my butt wet"...he was like "Yah, what is that"? I got up and the front of me was all wet as well. I hurried to the restroom to confirm that my water had broken! Eeeekkkkkkk!!!! I quickly showered and got everything together and by 3:00pm we were on the road to have a baby!
In triage they did confirm that my water had broken, but I was still only 3cm dilated. My contractions were still not very consistent or strong so the doctor on call decided to get me started on "the devil's drug" known as PITOCIN! I pleaded with the nurse, and she promised that she would start me on a very low dosage, but we needed to get "the show on the road" since my bag had already ruptured. For those that don't know Pitocin (or Oxytocin) is a natural hormone produced by a woman's body that cause uterine contractions. I have heard horror stories about this drug because instead of allowing contractions to occur gradually, the Pitocin causes contractions to occur at a much harsher pace.
Anyway, by 6:15pm I was rolled into Labor and delivery. I had been on Pitocin at this point for about 30 minutes, and I was still doing great. That was until the L & D nurse greeted me by turning up the drug from a level 2 to a level 8. Can you say "OUCH". By 7:00pm, I was ready for my epidural. My sweet nurse however, told me I wasn't quite ready for that as my contractions still weren't strong enough. I thought to myself..."Are you kidding me...I'm about to crawl up these hospital walls in pain, and your telling me I'm not ready"....By 8:15pm, I was dying. I was reciting scripture and prayers in the midst of watching my husband cheer for his Lakers in game 3 of the Western Conference Championship (Yes--against my Phoenix Suns). Anyway, the game was the LEAST of my concerns...I pleaded to my nurse again who agreed to check my cervix to see where I was. Lo and Behold I had progressed to 5cm and she ordered my epidural. At 9:00pm (after I was force to finish 1 and half bags of IV's) the lovely anesthesiologist arrived with the drugs. I was so happy and couldn't wait for relief. The next few minutes were a blur as I was in so much pain. About 10 minutes after receiving the epidural, they asked me what my pain level was at. I told them "still a 9, that the contractions were shorter, but definitely still very sharp." A few minutes later my nurse checked me again and said "No wonder why your still in so much pain, your baby's head is right here...your at a 10cm, we need to start pushing". Go figure! I would be that girl that was forced to get Pitocin without getting the relief of an epidural. My doctor arrived at 9:30pm and after 5 GOOD PUSHES Little Braylon made his entry to the world. Both grandma's and Braylon's auntie Quisha were all there to witness the lil' miracle. Braylon weighed in at 7 pounds 10.6 ounces and 21 inches long. He was much tinier than I thought he would be. He has grayish/dark blue eyes for now, a TON of brown hair with blond highlights, and the most beautiful skin, lips, fingers, and toes.
Since arriving home, David and I are both adjusting well to parenthood. Braylon LOVES to eat. This kid can pack down a bottle like I have never seen! He wants to eat every 2 hours and you better be ready when that mark hits. His sleep cycle has us up about every 3 hours, which isn't too bad. Braylon has already gone out on some "KC Property Group" errands. Of course he doesn't leave the air conditioned car, but enjoys the ride. Daddy has been great with juggling the baby while helping me with the immediate needs of the business. It will be interesting next week when my partner goes back to work. I'm a little nervous how I am going to handle the 4am changes and feedings alone. Yikes!
We are so blessed to have such an amazing little boy. Thanks to all of you who have given us your time and attention while being a part of this new chapter in our lives. We couldn't begin to THANK GOD for a more amazing blessing!
First Family Foto
Braylon David Kingcannon
Alana and Brookie Royce
Doctor Melissa (Missy and I are long time friends, so glad that she will be taking care of him when he's sick)
Neighbor friends Amy, Madi, and Bryce
Auntie Quisha
Kristen and Tyler Petty
Troy and Daddy
Great Grandginny
The Shipley Family
Great Aunt Jeanie
Great Uncle Jody
Gramma and Papa
Cousin Jaid so excited to meet Braylon
Just chillaxin
Hangin Out
While out handling a buisness run, Braylon's had his first public outing--"Queens Bowl". Daddy has been going there since Highschool so he was really excited to let the owners meet the baby.
"Hug Me"
So stinking cute!! Congrats to Bonnie David and Braylon!!! So glad he decided to come on the 23rd! I can't wait to watch him grow!!
Love you guys!!!
Oh Bonnie - your description of the moments right before delivery made me cringe! 12 years since my last, I can still remember the feelings! Braylon is a beautiful baby and so blessed to have joined such a loving family. Glad to see the pic of Grandma Ginny and her great grandson. Congrats to all.
Sarah V
Hey Bonnie...Braylon is soooo PRECIOUS!!!...I just wanted to say again how happy I am for you and David....and please let Ronnie and I know if you guys ever need a babysitter or anything!!:) Take care and love you guys:)
Alana R.
Such fabulous photos! He is changing soooooooooo much and is so precious can't wait till his next checkin and see how much he has grown. Braylon - Nana loves you - Mom and Dad did GOOD!
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