Friday, May 21, 2010

Bags packed & Car seat installed. Ready...Set...Go!!!

Here's a quick "pregnancy progress report".

Last week at my 37 week appointment, nothing really new. Baby measuring perfectly, no more signs of labor other than the continued braxton hicks a few times a day.

David and I went on Wednesday, 5/19 for our 38 week appointment. Doc said once again that I was measuring about a week ahead. She made a comment that "All her patients have been poppin out 9 pounders the last few days". I asked..."Ummmm what are you trying to tell me doc"...She chuckled and said, "You girls are all just having big babies-that's all". Hopefully, she doesn't think I'm going to be following the others lead with a 9 pounder...yikes! Doc dropped another bombshell on me when she told me that she was not working this weekend and would be gone the majority of next week to "move the office". She sensed my disappointment from this news, so after she confirmed that I am still just dilated at barley a 2cm she "stripped the membranes" in hopes of getting things moving.

Well, it did...sort of. Yesterday, I passed my "mucus plug" and I have since been having some minor, non-consistent contractions. I have eaten spicy food, received a great foot massage, and have done lots of walking. These are all "wive tales remedies" to get labor started. I have even considered taking Castor Oil, but I'm afraid the side effects are not something that one would enjoy. One thing I can tell that Braylon has moved lower in my pelvis because I am having much more discomfort when I walk.

We'll see what God has in store, He is truly putting my "patience" to the test. I am just so anxious to hold Braylon in my arms, I know these days ahead before we meet him are going to go by very very slow, so please be praying that he decides to make his debut SOON!

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