Some random thoughts as to why I am SOOO EXCITED to leave my I Trimester and onto #II
1)Saltine crackers will not be on my daily menu.
2) I will not have to go "tee tee" every 10 minutes, at least until I near the end.
1)Saltine crackers will not be on my daily menu.
2) I will not have to go "tee tee" every 10 minutes, at least until I near the end.
3) I can actually get up and go to the gym without feeling like I need to jump back into bed.
4) I will be able to cook dinner without feeling the need to regurgitate my lunch.
5) I hope to be able to brush my teeth in the morning without nearly choking and gagging to death.
6) I will actually start looking "Pregnant" rather than the girl with a spare tire around her waste.
7) A dear friend told me that in the II Tri, I will actually feel "sexy"...That's a shot in the dark, but I am hopeful.
8) If my friend is right, my husband might actually get some "action" now.
9) I can eat ice cream and pickles and not feel guilty.
10) My crankiness should ease up a bit, for the benefit of my hubby.

(((This is right before 5am, when employees brought out 9 Playstation 3's...for the 50+ people that were waiting for one. Madness I tell ya...pure madness. I grabbed my GPS's, and got the heck outta there)))

On another note, we had a great Thanksgiving with Family and Friends. We began the day with a meal at Grandginnys house, partaking in mom's delicious turkey and all the fixings. I decided I would bake a 3 layer-chocolate pudding cake for the occasion...and yah--didn't turn out so hot. As I was making it, I KNEW it was going to turn out awful...I asked God, "PLEASE LORD, Let me just bake 1 thing that people can eat and ENJOY." O Well, It's Christmas time--I will keep trying! I told David I am going to take a baking class this spring...and I mean it!
After dinner at Gram's, David and I went to join his family in Chandler at his Aunt Jennie's house. Now, I've been a part of this family for almost 9 years--so I know they like to EAT. However, this Thanksgiving was one of the BEST days I have had when it comes to delicious food! They cooked everything from Ham-to-Turkey-to-Jambalaya-to-3 kinds of Mac-in-cheese-to-Dressing-to Yams-to-Collard Greens-to Biscuits-to-BBQ Chicken-to-Red Velvet cake...I could go on...and...on. J'me (David's cousin) blamed all the food on her watching "Way to much food network". Everything was amazing and we liked to call our food display "Hometown Buffet"...Literally, that is how much food there was. After struggling to finish my few last bites, I laced up my kicks, grabbed my nephews, and we took off for a mile walk around the neighborhood. We were so full, but so grateful of the amazing food and family we have been blessed with.

B*L*A*C*K* F*R*I*D*A*Y
Mom and I have made it tradition for many many years to hit the stores on Black Friday. In the years past we would get out at about 8am, and hit the mall along with the thousand of other shoppers. However, this year WAL-MART was the Place to Be! Mom and I braved the crowds and were at Wal-mart by 3:45am. It was insane! I had been to Wal-mart in the past on this day but have NEVER experienced what we did on Friday. Anyhoo, there were several electronic items that were on our list, so we split up, made friends, and were able to conquer 95% of the items on our list. 8 hours and 5 stores later, we arrived back home without incident. Wow...WHAT A DAY!!!
(((This is right before 5am, when employees brought out 9 Playstation 3's...for the 50+ people that were waiting for one. Madness I tell ya...pure madness. I grabbed my GPS's, and got the heck outta there)))

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