It was December 1st, 2014. I asked David to stop by the neighborhood Wal-Mart on our way home that night, as I had to pick something up. Somehow, I just knew. I knew that all I have been praying for, for several years was here. I went through the "speedy" checkout line and scurried home to take "The Test". A few minutes later, my feelings were verified. We were
Pregnant, with baby #2. At first, I was in shock. I immediately thanked our Heavenly Father for this amazing gift that He planted inside of me. David was in denial...He couldn't believe that it was true. As the coming days would arrive, and more tests were taken, he finally realized this was happening. It was perfect timing for our family. Braylon couldn't wait to get a "brudder or sister" so when we shared the news with him, he was ecstatic.
A few weeks later we had our first ultrasound, all was well, our baby was 8 weeks old and growing perfectly. A few days later we would celebrate Christmas and decided to share the news with the family at our annual Christmas Eve party. The news broke and the reactions were epic. This was a day I will never, ever forget. We are so excited to expand our family. We are looking forward to decorating a nursery, shopping for the necessities, and most importantly giving Braylon a life-long best friend.
In one week, on our 8th Wedding Anniversary, we will head to the doctors for our "gender" ultrasound. Something inside of me feels like our baby is a girl, however Braylon is convinced it's a boy. Regardless, we will love he/she more than life itself. God gets all the glory for this amazing miracle growing inside of me. We are sooo extremely excited for the 8th year as a family... after all, "8" means "New Beginning" and a new beginning this will be.

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