Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Very Merry Kingcannon Christmas

Christmas morning was very quiet and wonderful. Our little family of 3 enjoyed a quiet morning opening gifts and seeing what Santa delivered. Braylon was overwhelmed with all the goodies, both in a good way and bad way. Look for the photo below of him in complete histarics, afraid of the jumping contraption that Santa brought. I thought this could be a new way for him to have fun, boy was I ever wrong. The trouble I went to to get this darn thing home was even more funny, but that is a whole other story. Needless to say we removed the air out of the thing and it's in the box for a possible return. We'll see!

Later that evening we froliced over to moms house for a nice dinner with the fam'bam and more gift exchange. Good times were shared, we are very blessed with an amazing family.

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