Lets see, Bray is now 15 lbs and still in the 90 percentile for his height. He is our "chunky munky". Everyone who meets him can't believe he is only 3 months. They respond with "OMG, what are you feeding him". I chuckle as if its the first time I've heard it and say "ummm--enfamil"...I dunno, what am I supposed to say, other than "Yes, my baby LOVES to eat! Every 3 hours to be exact. However, the big accomplishment for the month is Bray is sleeping through the night! Well, I should say he wakes up at 4am to eat, but heck--I will take it! Oh, sleep--how I took thee for granted!
Bray still loves going to work with mommy on KC Property Group errands (even though he wishes he didn't have to ride in the car seat--yes--he's spoiled). His favorite pass time is bath time, although, he is outgrowing the bathroom sink. Guess we're going to have to pull out the ole' baby bathtub! When Bray's hanging with daddy, he loves to watch football--guess he better get use to it, right! After all, he is a Cardinal's season ticket holder =) It's so cute how he truly engages on what is happening on the TV. I often wonder what he's thinking while watching those men chase each other up and down the field. Mommy's favorite time of day is our playtime in the morning. Bray is bright eyed, bushy tailed, and full of laughs, coos, and the occasional scream. He loves to hear himself talk...hmmm wonder where he gets that from!
Bray has had quite the busy month...He's gained a new girlfriend, Charli Daphne was welcomed into the world on July 30th. Charli is Alana and Ronnie's baby girl, and she is such a doll. We have already pre-arranged their marriage...after all, Devin and Brooke, Jaiden and Greg are already destined for each other. Might as well add Braylon and Charli to the mix. Bray also survived his first road trip to Flagstaff to visit The Cardinals at training camp. It was a nice break and we all enjoyed the cold weather for a change. Braylon actually got to be bundled up for the first time, and I think he really enjoyed it! Braylon also attended the first of many birthday parties this month. Cousin Jaiden turned the big 3 and Auntie Quisha, the big 3+ =). Needless to say, this month has been adventurous, and I know this is just the beginning!
Well, I will stop for now--enjoy the pics and stay tuned for more updates on lil' man!

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